“Who was not there can not feel who was there can not describe it.”
“Siargao Island has captivated us from the first moment. There is a flair that is difficult to put into words. Maybe adjectives like carefree, authentic, cozy, friendly and open are a start, but there are things you just have to experience to feel them. For us it was impressive how the satisfied islanders live their day without stress and worry. How to spend the rest of the day in front of their hut after work, such as fishing or vegetable growing, just to look happy and content.
Fortunately, both of us have the privilege of growing up in Switzerland, having good education and having social security through a good job and the social system … But not all of them have that opportunity. After all, we can not choose where and in what environment we are born … All the more it touched us that the inhabitants of Siargao are happy with little (good and good) and welcome everyone with open arms. And exactly on this island we want to make a difference! Be it by creating jobs, supporting children with charity actions, passing on know-how or showing tourists the beautiful island and sharing magical moments with them.
Also worth mentioning is the natural landscape. The pristine white beaches, lagoons, waterfalls, coconut trees as well as mangroves and rainforests invite you to explore. In addition, surfing at Cloud9 surfing spot guarantees beginners and advanced surfers wonderful and warm feelings of happiness, just leave your worries behind, take a break from everyday life, do some sports or go on an expedition … “BLISS” on the island of Siargao will be an unforgettable place for you all travelers from Switzerland and the rest of the world. Whether adventurous, athletes or connoisseurs, young or old, alone, as a family or in a group … there are magical moments for everyone here.”

Vanessa Stalder
"Half-Swiss, half-Filipina ... I feel at home in both countries. Through my training, my job in the field of human resources and education and a startup in Switzerland I could learn a lot ... I am happy, I was allowed to grow up here, benefit from the Swiss educational landscape and enjoy this great standard of living. Now I want to give something back to the locals in the Philippines ... above all create jobs, pass on know-how, employ them for better employment conditions or make a difference in the form of sponsorships."

Erwin Theiler
"I love to live my creativity in the kitchen. The mix of years of experience in renowned restaurants as well as in the inns (home cooking) benefit me and my creations. My goal is to offer our guests a culinary highlight with my culinary art. The food should not only taste fine and look good, but also lead to good conversation, strengthen a cozy get-together and awaken the openness of the guests to try something new."